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Diabetes Crosswalk

This tool was developed to support your health center with quality improvement reporting of diabetes measures. This crosswalk of measures are shared across the 2020 core set of adult health care quality measures for Medicaid patients, CMS eCQM measures, HEDIS, and UDS and is cross referenced with the Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health’s Diabetes Head to Toe Checklist Examination Report.


The resource reflects the measures currently approved for 2020 for CMS eCQMs with hyperlinks directing the reader to the measure descriptions. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list.


HRSA includes Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9%) as a clinical quality performance level. Please see sample UDS documentation. In addition, FY 2020 includes the National Health Center Training and Technical Assistanct Partners (NTTAP) Coorperative Agreements Notice of Funding Award. Please see hyperlink for the sample project work plan highlighting diabetes control for special population - people experiencing homelessness.


In addition, this resource provides information on the Diabetes Control Measures for 2020. Health Center Operational Site Visits (OSVs) now include Diabetes Performance Improvement. During a site visit, HRSA analyzes the factors that affect diabetes clinical delivery and patient outcomes. HRSA will also provide onsite diabetes technical assistance to health centers who don't have a scheduled OSV and are in the 4th quartile for the uncontroleld diabetes UDS measure. The Diabetes Crosswalk provides health centers with a visual tool to help support improving diabetes measures.


When choosing your Improvement Activities and Quality Measures, consider national incentives such as the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program. Consider also NACHC’s Diabetes Change Package. Many of these initiatives include associated quality measures and improvement activities that can be tracked and reported as part of your quality award submission and your state contracts and demonstration projects.


Diabetes Head to Toe Checklist Examination Report


Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9%) HRSA Sample Performance Measure - UDS

NTTAP Cooperative Agreements Notice of Funding Opportuntiy Sample Project Work Plan - Special Populations &

Diabetes Management


CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program


NACHC’s Diabetes Change Package


NACHC Diabetes Prevention & Management Guide




eCQM Measures Guide

Diabetes Head to Toe Checklist Exam Report

Diabetes A1c > 9.0 (poor)





Diabetes Blood Sugar





Diabetes Care - Retinal Eye Exam (Retinopathy)

Not Applicable





Diabetes Care - Foot Exam





HbA1c Testing










Medical attention for nephropathy

Not Endorsed





Diabetes screening for people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder who are using antipsychotic medications (SSD)





Diabetes care for people with serious mental illness: HbA1c poor control (>9.0%) (HPCMI)





Diabetes Head to Toe Checklist Exam Report

Not Applicable




*CMS123 is an eCQM performance measure from 2018

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